The Teachings Of Tobacco
The Teachings of Tobacco All we ever hear are the negative effects of smoking. It’ll kill you. It’ll give you cancer. It’ll give you emphysema. I suppose there all valid points. But from my experience with life every negative has to have an equal and opposite positive. So what’s the positives of smoking? And before […]
The Healing Process
HEAL – cause (a wound, injury, or person) to become sound (in good condition) or healthy again What does it mean to heal? It takes time to heal. How many times have you heard that? Whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally, the cliche is, that it takes time to heal. It also takes action. […]
Anxiety: From Xanax to ZenX
I remember my first bout of anxiety like it was yesterday. I was playing cards with my friends, and I started having paranoid thoughts. My mind was racing. My heart felt like it sunk into my stomach and then it felt like it was going to jump out of my throat. My palms were sweating. […]
Make your body a Winter Wonderland
Well it’s another shockingly cold winters day in South East Queensland with a balmy minimum of 16 and a max of 23. Sun all day with light showers. It doesn’t seem fare, does it, my Southern readers, screaming at your screen, IT WAS ONLY ONE DEGREE WHEN I WOKE UP THIS MORNING… Sucked in, move […]
Corona Psychosis and A New Hope
Many weeks, possibly even months ago I started to write a blog about the coronavirus. I wanted to talk about how Chinese herbs were to treat it in china and blah blah blah… But then the world went completely mad. There was absolutely no way of knowing what was true anymore. In all honesty to me […]
Acupuncture Vs. Dry Needling
Acupuncture includes dry needling, dry needling does not include acupuncture…
Qi – The Mystical in the Mundane
What is Qi? Is it real?…